Shakespeare Reloaded

International theatre collective based in Berlin, Germany.​

Inclusive, diverse and experimental. ​

Acting workshops and courses.

"They are phenomenal as individuals, but unforgettable as an ensemble [...] 

we should all keep an eye on this company.”


Shakespeare: Reloaded e.V. | Geschäftsnummer VR 37632 B | Gäblerstr. 17 | 13086 Berlin | E:

This is us

Shakespeare: Reloaded is an international theatre collective, active in Berlin since November 2017 and, as of summer 2019, also a registered association with e.V. status.
Our commitment is to reshaping iconic classic texts into fearless, ferocious productions that speak to a contemporary audience.
We are a community of over 10 international artists from diverse, non-traditional artistic backgrounds, and we are constantly growing: we provide a platform to performers from all walks of life and from more than ten countries, from Brazil to Bulgaria, with a broad range of skills in acting, directing, playwriting, music and dance.
Our rehearsal room approach is a holistic method based on a variety of different techniques, with a strong foundation in physical theatre.
We believe in creating strong ensembles for our productions and all our shows are usually developed over the course of 6-8 months, allowing the performances to evolve by moulding both the actors and the director’s collective skills and experiences together, to create a combined voice and perspective, unlike anything that a single creator could achieve alone. That’s what makes our performances so distinctly innovative.

Create with us
You want to be creative? 

You want to learn something new or apply more of what you already know?​

You have always wanted to be in a ensemble? 

You want to act, you are dedicated and you are fluent in English?

This is your chance!

We are always looking for new creatives; may it be actors, directors, producers or social media experts. We are looking to expand our membership and our presentation as an English-speaking ensemble and theatre production in Berlin.

If you are interested in joining our upcoming workshops or productions, contact us or follow us:



Past Productions
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

June 2018, Berlin

The Importance of
Being Earnest

March & August 2019, Berlin

The Importance of
Being Earnest

August 2019, 

Edinburgh Fringe Festival


Julius Caesar

November 2019, Berlin

Romeo and Juliet

June 2022, Berlin

Romeo and Juliet

August 2022, The Dell  Stratford upon Avon, UK

The Taming of the Shrew

February 2024, Berlin


How to become a member?

To apply for membership, please send us an email expressing your interest and providing a short bio that mentions any relevant acting experience (if available) and why you would like to join our community. We encourage you to be playful and creative in your application.

Ideally, we would also love for you to participate in one of our ongoing workshop sessions to get to know us and our working style personally.

After we receive your application, we will schedule an (online) meeting to get to know you better. We will then review your application and get back to you with our answer shortly after the call.

How much is the membership fee?

Membership fees help support the initiatives and programs that we offer throughout the year. However, our goal is to provide affordable fees for anyone who is passionate about theater and want to be a part of our community. The regular annual fee varies between 80,00 € and 50,00 € according to your personal engagement in organization activities. The reduced fee for unemployed and students is 30,00 € per year.  

What are the benefits of becoming a member? 

There are many benefits to becoming a member of our organization, including:

What is expected from regular members of S:R?

Building a community is a collaborative effort, and we welcome your participation and involvement. As a member, we expect the following:

We believe that everyone has something unique to offer, and we welcome your contributions to help us create a vibrant and supportive space for the arts. 

What conduct is appreciated in the S:R association?

Here are a few ground rules that we have established and that apply to all activities within the association. We expect our members to adhere to these rules.

How to direct a play with S:R?

To direct a play with S:R, you must first become a regular member of the Association. Once you have joined, you are welcome to submit your play ideas and projects for consideration. We look forward to collaborating with you!

Is it possible to submit a play to be produced by S:R?

We welcome new playwrights and ideas! If you have a play you'd like to submit for production, please send us an email with your play's synopsis or idea. 

How can I get involved in supporting ongoing and upcoming productions at S:R?

We greatly appreciate volunteers who are interested in supporting our productions. To get involved, simply send us an email and let us know how you would like to contribute. We will connect you with the production lead or group and they will follow up with you. 

How to stay informed about auditions, projects, and workshops?

To stay up-to-date on all our activities, you can sign up for our newsletter by sending us an email. Additionally, you can follow us on Facebook or Instagram for the latest updates. 

You haven’t found an answer you were looking for? Send us a message to info@ and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

IMPRESSUMShakespeare: Reloaded e.V. | International theatre collective
Gäblerstr 17
13086 Berlin
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